Wednesday 5 October 2011

To Sadhana Bt Azahar

5 hari lagi before Kak Ngah and Abang Ngah balik Egypt untuk setahun. Aaaaa, kuatkan mental Aisyah!

I'm going to miss you so much Kak Ngah.

I'm going to miss you ejek-ing me.

I'm going to miss your tudung Ariani, hacks, macbook Pro, your clothes, jeans, pins, your judging eyes and face.

I'm going to miss sleeping with you.

I'm going to miss sharing all kinds of stories with you.

I'm going to miss going to the wet market and having breakfast with you.

I'm going to miss shopping for raya clothes with you.

I'm going to miss the time when you ask for my money to borrow.

I'm going to miss you saying "Aisyah, bagi je lah baju ni kat Kak Ngah."

I'm going to miss washing the dishes with you.

I'm going to miss arguing with you.

I'm going to miss your I-am-always-right attitude.

I'm going to miss watching movies with you.

I'm going to miss you helping me with my tudung.

I'm going to miss you answering my stupid questions.

I'm going to miss you laughing at my stupid jokes.

I'm going to miss everything about you.

I'm going to miss you.

Thank you Kak Ngah, for everything.

And I'm sorry for every mistake I've done. I know I've always been rude to you. We've fought countless times. And i know I'm not a good sister. Truly sorry.

I hope that we can Skype often.

I hope that 1 year will fly fast.

I hope that you will have a good time there.

I hope that you will take good care of Abang Ngah and vice versa.

I don't say this often, but I'm going to say this now,

I love you so much, Kak Ngah. You've been an amazing sister. Thank you.

Take care, Kak Ngah <3


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